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What Do Women Really Want for Christmas?

Ah, the age-old question – What does a woman want? Even worse, what to give them for Xmas? 

.. I know that my husband is always in serious trouble when he’s trying to come up with ideas. I try to help him out by leaving him clues throughout the year, but for some reason, he ends up clueless at the last minute. 

If you’re a man and looking to come up with gift ideas for your wife/girlfriend/partner, this article is for you. 

I’ve just finished summarizing data that I got back from a survey I did that was completed by 6503 American females from different age groups and here are the results:

I hope you’ll get value and some great ideas out of this.

#1 On a Scale of 1-10 How Would You Rate the Gifts You've Received in the Past?

First off we asked women to score past gifts given by their partners..

With this question, I just wanted to see, how women would rate the gift-giving ability of their partners. And the average score turned out to be 6.9, which is actually not bad at all. 

#2 Which of These Gifts Would Make You the Happiest?

Moving on to the bread and butter of this survey.. what do women really want? 

In order to present a cohesive answer, this particular question gave the participants pre-selected answers to choose from. We did ask open-ended questions as well, which you’ll see below. 

So our top 3 responses were a trip, a piece of jewelry, or a fancy date. The first answer was by far the most popular answer, but then again, who wouldn’t want to go on a trip? Especially these days, where we have to stay indoors. 

If the trip part is not doable this Christmas or if you don’t want to spend that much, the second and third options are much easier to comply with. 

The fourth option seems to be the best one in terms of value- for-happiness (if such a ratio exists..).  

Also, pay attention to the things that are at the bottom of this list. Try to avoid those ideas, if possible. 

#3 Gifts that the Participants Preferred Based on Their Age Group

The first place was still #1 for all age groups, except among women that are over sixty. 

To put this data into action. Find the right group for the person you’re planning to give a gift to and see, what are their top wishes.  

#4 Additional Common Gift Wishes and Gifts that They've Disliked in the Past

The results here are all over the place. Some people named socks as their one item that they would like to receive, while a lot of people didn’t want that at all. 

Giving the right gift really boils down to knowing the person to who you’re giving the gift. 

Closing Thoughts

Putting some thought into gift-giving will make the end result exceptionally better. If you think about the beloved person you’re giving the gift to, you’ll probably come up with very good ideas on your own. 

This survey gave some insights into the minds of women in different age groups and I hope it will help you in brainstorming the right idea for your loved one. 

Merry Christmas to all!

Survey Methodology

This survey took place between 11-02-2020 to 12-12-2020. Survey participants included women between the age of 18 to 88. A total of 6503 women filled out the questionnaire.  Answers were collected via the platform. The survey was advertised on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest platforms. Summary data analysis was performed by Lisa Arlington and team members. If you have any questions in regards to the survey, e-mail us at:

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